he/him ◊ gay ◊ biologically adult ◊ far-left ◊ youth & animal rights supporter
matrix: @sandbox:arcticfoxes.net
you’re right, it’s a never ending battle. plants WILL be defeated!!
you may be ready for the army of alexandria ocasio cortez, but are you ready for the alexandria ocasio consequences?
this is a really wonderful idea! thank you for sharing it!
yeah! what helped me was starting by explaining that i felt really scared to admit it, and anxious about how he would feel about me. just putting everything i was feeling into words helped a lot, and gave him a cue to prepare himself for quite a big secret.
honestly, i kinda already felt quite sure that he would still love and accept me before i told him. i don’t think i could have if i had any serious doubts
of all the stuff i’ve seen, it seems specifically more aimed towards much younger ages, rather than 10+ year olds :(
yeah i totally understand! life is busy as heck for me too, and its hard to know what to post!
im gonna be actively trying to post and be active here every day. would love some company if anyone wants to join me ^_^
yeah, understandable! it defeats the point a bit, but you can always kinda try to talk around self-incriminating things or rule breaking content
hello and thank you for the introduction post, it’s lovely to meet you. you never need to apologise for who you are! it’s really ashame that we feel compelled to do so
hello and welcome! i have never known anyone who was a transdrugaddict, i am curious to learn more about that
cute art! thank you for sharing! can you tell me a little more about it?
op, i’m really sorry to hear that you’ve lost your channel. that really sucks. hopefully this can be an opportunity to make people more aware: please do not rely on any third party to look after your creative works. keep your own backups!
okay, thanks! just wasn’t sure about the expectations and thought it was better to be safe than risk upsetting someone :D
i was abused as a child and also as an adult, and if anything it was easier for me to deal with when i was younger because i had less context/understanding and it was easier to go with the flow and think things were normal.
for me, masking is more when i’m intentionally holding back - like when a thought occurs to me but i decide to not say/do it because of how others will see me
you’re totally right about cultural/social conditioning, but for me, if it’s subconscious, it’s not really masking
that’s just my perspective