yesterday, with some much needed help and encouragement from a user on, I was able to come out to my partner. i told him pretty much everything, about how i feel transage and that i feel attraction towards minors. i thought for sure that it was a secret i would carry to the grave. i thought if anyone ever found out they would hate me. but apparently i’m the luckiest boy alive, because now my boyfriend knows i’m a MAP, and he still loves me. he was really understanding, kind, and accepting.

ever since then, all i can think about is how much this feels like i’m living in some kind of dream. i can just… be myself? i don’t know how to do that, really.

but for the first time in my life, i feel like there’s hope for us, there are people who can understand that we’re an oppressed minority, and not just irrationally hate us. there may be a future where MAPs and other paras get to live their lives being, at least, tolerated, rather than reviled. i don’t know if i’ll ever live to see that day, but i hope so, and i am going to try to do my part to make that day a reality.

much love and para solidarity!

  • Reunite2987
    17 hours ago

    I’m really glad to hear it went so well. do you have any tips for others who are thinking of doing the same?

    • SandboxOP
      5 hours ago

      yeah! what helped me was starting by explaining that i felt really scared to admit it, and anxious about how he would feel about me. just putting everything i was feeling into words helped a lot, and gave him a cue to prepare himself for quite a big secret.

      honestly, i kinda already felt quite sure that he would still love and accept me before i told him. i don’t think i could have if i had any serious doubts

    • Kitten
      11 hours ago

      I have a few tips. You can test the water by asking them general questions like their feelings on YAPs. Have a back up plan if they react negatively.