The server is ran in Nevada, USA. Thus, all posts must follow American law, as well as local law in your area. This means no pornographic content involving legal minors (people under 18), no sexual conversation with minors (“Corruption Of A Minor”), no selling of illegal drugs, no promotion of prostitution, etc.
Privacy Policy:
By signing up for this website, you accept that I (the owner) has access to the following information you submit:
Any information submitted is subject to ownership by the admin team, and that is the only information we store. Posts, comments, users, and communities can be purged and deleted from the database, but remember to treat all data you send online as public information forever. Please practice good online safety practices, such as not re-using passwords, using good email providers, not sharing your email with others, etc. IP addresses are logged when some web requests are made.
Posts by default are removed when deleted, which leaves them able to be restored later and can be viewed by admins. We only purge posts at the request of their authors.
This information, to my knowledge, is not available to any of the development team of Lemmy, and only directly available to me. Theoretically, the webhosting that I use (BuyVM) has access, but the data is encrypted and hidden behind multiple passwords, keys, and 2FA that only I know and have access to.
We will never sell, give, or otherwise share your data to third parties, and the databases are only queried by request of users or in the case that it would benefit security and privacy to do so.
If you wish to look at the Lemmy source codes, they’re hosted here.
Future privacy policy and legal information changes, should they occur, will be announced publicly to the ! community.
For inquiries please email, message on matrix, or send a message to here.