I have a few tips. You can test the water by asking them general questions like their feelings on YAPs. Have a back up plan if they react negatively.
I’m going to join. I got some big news coming in the next week that I’ll reveal in an ama.
I hope for that day too. I’m happy your boyfriend is supportive of you.
Thank you :3
I just don’t know what to talk about and then I’m very busy too. But I want to see this place alive again.
So long as the stuff follows the rules of rqd2, it should be good :3
That’s valid. When you make the new account I’ll be happy to subscribe to it.
Oof, what’s your game plan now after YT acting like this? Are you going to go to a different website/app like PeerTube?
How did your wife find out what you like? What type of porn do you like?
I usually use Nifty but I also use literoita and gaydemon.
I been learning how to run everything. I’ll keep you all updated as I go further.
After looking at the polls and hearing everyone’s opinion. I have decided to take ownership. How would I continue the process to fully take ownership?
This is 100% a hate crime, they’re targeting you because you’re a para. The fact they didn’t mention their worries is telling. I sadly don’t have any recommendations besides be safe.