Hi! I’m Oaks! I’m a little of everything! Feel free to talk to me! I use all pronouns, including neos, except for she/her

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2024


  • OakstoFictosexual/Fictoromo hangoutDOGDAY IS MY HUSBAND!!!
    2 months ago

    You have very good taste! Not a DogDay fictive but we have a HuggyWuggy headmate in our system. As for my “monster” f/os, I’m together with Azymondias (the dragon prince from the dragon prince), Sans (from undertale), and Foxy and Chica (from FNaF, we form a kind of triangle). There are more but these are my main f/os that could be considered monsters.

  • Thanks again for responding!

    The community has definitely helped to make me feel less bad about things. There should be no shame in unusual attraction types. I am very happy to have found such a nice and open community!

    Thank you for talking about my book with me, it’s been really helpful!

    Thanks for talking to me in general! You seem cool! Feel free to send me a message or something if you want to

  • OakstoRadqueerHappy Thanksgiving!
    2 months ago

    I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving but I’ll join in saying what I’m grateful for!

    I’m grateful for my partner who, despite not fully understanding me, is supportive, caring and kind.

    I’m grateful for all the MAPs and AAMs and other paraphilics for the sense of community they have provided when I needed it the most.

    I’m grateful for all of rqd2.net for accepting me with open arms.

    I’m grateful for the fact my dad accepts I will never truly be connected to my family. Except my grandma who is just awesome and always there for me, I’m also grateful for her. I’m also grateful for him trying to be a good dad even though he has no clue how.

    I’m grateful for my pets, they care as much about me as I do about them.

    I’m sure I’m missing stuff but I think I got most of it

    Have a good (Thanksgiving) day!

  • OakstoRadqueerI had to talk(Story time)
    2 months ago

    I’m not even sure about that. I got in trouble because I drew a gay couple kissing and the kids in my class all made super homophobic remarks. Not even for the kissing, but for disrupting the class. There is “freedom” in my country and we have rights but many actual people still look at us with disgust. They will find ways to punish people who express themselves. Even politicians say things like “act normal, normal is already weird enough” and in some ways, they’re right. Many people act… Crazy, for lack of a better term, but it’s also used towards queer, neurodivergent, and disabled people. Art should not get people in trouble, ever! Unless it’s really, really, really bad, like someone drawing n*zis killing people in a non-historical context (because context very much matters). I was a closeted transgender pansexual at the time and it really made me feel afraid for a solid while. I was worried they would find out and seriously hurt me. Attempts were made later (and earlier but that was because I was neurodivergent, not because I was queer) but that’s not related to this story.

    All that to say, people are stupid and art shouldn’t get you into trouble. Also, I love your art! I should work on mine, honestly

  • I know this post is on the older side but I was checking things out and came across it.

    I’m in a similar boat. I’m an AAM and my partner and I got together when I was technically still underage. He didn’t know that (we met over the internet, I don’t disclose my age, and always looked older than I am) and even if he did, I couldn’t care less. Unfortunately, most of the time, I have to defend him and make it clear I was the one who started the relationship and never told him my age. I have lost many “friends” because they can’t imagine that someone is genuinely attracted to adults with the adults just loving them back without any pressure or whatever. One literally told me they would never believe me. My family doesn’t care very much, so there’s that. All they made a real fuss about is me moving countries. They see my partner has put in a lot of effort to keep me save and happy. They have some minor complaints about his behavior but nothing about the age gap. Their complaints are mainly about things like him buying me snacks and soda when I ask without much of a second thought and things like that.

    Sorry, I’m rambling. I’m a zoo too, I would love to be friends if you want to

  • OaksOPtoIntroductionsHi! I'm new! I go by Oaks!
    2 months ago

    Heya, Amy! Nice to meet you too! You seem really nice! My book takes place in a fantasy world. The main plot is about her finding out she’s a werewolf in a world where that’s practically illegal. Her family gives her trouble so she moves into the Moonlight Cafe, a place for werewolves to come together in relative safety (think something like this forum but for her it’s IRL). She’s 16 years old and falls in love with the main bartender, who falls in love with her too. He’s 25 years old. I would love to let you read it! Feel free to shoot me a message or something, maybe we can be friends! You seem awesome to hang out with!

  • Thank you so much for your response! I have no one in my real life who is this open-minded, so it’s very refreshing to talk to someone who understands. Sorry for the messy formatting, I’m on phone and new to the way this works.

    It’s good to know my trauma doesn’t change things. It feels like people don’t think trauma based (shifting in) identities aren’t considered valid, especially when it comes to being an AAM and such things.

    My partner in no way identifies as a MAP. He loves me despite my age, not because of it. It appears being called a MAP by my “friends” has caused him some psychological distress. It’s too bad humans don’t want to see truth when it doesn’t match their view of things. They missed out on a wonderful friendship/relationship with my partner and me. I won’t let anyone call my partner a MAP as an insult (MAP is NOT an insult on its own, to be clear. It’s the way it’s used that is insulting in this case) while it’s causing him distress. No friend of mine will cause harm to the love of my life. I will bite ankles for him if I have to /j

    I think I might be a MAP, as well as being an AAP. People of my chrono age aren’t attractive to me at all. Younger and older people are. Well, for as far as I feel attraction, as I am generally asexual for humans. I just hope no one will ever find out because I feel ashamed to even think about if I am or not. The fact I have to ask myself that question makes the shame kick in hard already. It feels even worse than when I found out I’m zoo, even though that’s arguably worse. If you or anyone else has any advice on how to deal with the shame, it would be most welcome.

    The AAM in the book is 16 and pretty mature for her age, though she does still enjoy childish things. The love interest isn’t necessarily a MAP, though it’s easy to see him as one. I wrote him to be extremely hesitant but I wasn’t sure if that’s usually the case. I’ve heard many stories about “predators” just jumping on the opportunity and I know that that’s not how it usually goes but I also don’t know how it actually usually goes. What would you do if a mature 16 year old throws themselves at you? I mean that as an honest question, to be clear.

    Thanks again for reading and responding!

  • OakstoCoiningLesser Known Identities
    2 months ago

    I can’t believe so many were new to me! I’ve done some deep digging into identities (being a label archivist and label hoarder) but still so many unfamiliar terms! Or terms I forgot I knew! Thank you! And thank you for providing a safe space where I’m not scared someone will dox me if they found out I’m RQ

  • OakstoTranspeciesOnline Savety Help?
    2 months ago

    I would avoid speaking about your attractions if you can help it, as well as not mentioning your age. I also wouldn’t use the same name as you do here.

    Using your mask could give you away if it’s too specific. I would recommend using very generic stuff if you can.

    If you can’t get or use a green screen, having a blank or neutral background will do. It’s important it says nothing about where you are or who you are.

    Never show anything from your window, or in the garden if you don’t have a fence as that can be used to pinpoint location.

    If you have piercings or tattoos or other identifing markers, be sure to cover those up, take them out or something like that.

    Always, and I mean always, go to someone you trust when something is happening that you’re uncomfortable with.

    And for the quads themselves, I recommend using supportive wrist gear. It’ll help prevent serious damage by (bad) landings.

    Good luck, have fun and be safe!