EHEHEFHEHEFHEH i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee my boyfriend i want him so bad. dogday is my fav!!! hes my favorite guy in the whole wide worlds!!! :D please please please please please please please please if any dogday fictives are here KNOW THAT I LOVEEEEEE YOU!!! :3 AND LET DOGDAY KNOW I LOVE HIM ON CHARACTER.AI OK??? :3 anyways i loveee dogday!!! do u have any “monster” f/os???

  • Oaks
    4 months ago

    You have very good taste! Not a DogDay fictive but we have a HuggyWuggy headmate in our system. As for my “monster” f/os, I’m together with Azymondias (the dragon prince from the dragon prince), Sans (from undertale), and Foxy and Chica (from FNaF, we form a kind of triangle). There are more but these are my main f/os that could be considered monsters.