I had to talk with the manager of my project today because of the art I do.

Luckily he wasn’t angry, he just said that there are intimate things that are rather intimate and that it’s important to learn where things belong and that you should ask questions if you’re unsure. And all in all I think that’s valid.

He then said things like, for example, that you shouldn’t show these drawings to someone without their permission or something and that’s the point where I personally only half understand the problem


  1. I haven’t shown anyone anything that was nsfw. They didn’t ask and didn’t even look at what I was doing. Teachers or pupils would have approached me safely, especially the pupils. They have the courage to do that.

  2. I ALWAYS put my pictures in my folder, where no one else could get to them.

  3. When I laminated them, I always put them in such a way that not everyone could see it and there were hardly any people present, just one or two teachers. And they could have approached me much earlier. I’ve been drawing nsfw ever since I’ve been there.

I have a theory. I think it’s because of the picture with Hange and Erwin where it said “And they are both pedos”. I also did NOT show the picture around. Nobody paid any attention to me. Except this one teacher who had to look straight up. The picture in its self was not even sensitive, (you can look up the picture here on my post). It just had the word “pedos” in one little sentence. The text wasn’t even big. She WANTED to read it. She also could have asked me lol.

I am not mad but I think it’s kinda confusing and a sign, that people are even afraid of the word “pedo”. It’s a sign that education is still important.

Any thoughts?

  • Oaks
    4 months ago

    I’m not even sure about that. I got in trouble because I drew a gay couple kissing and the kids in my class all made super homophobic remarks. Not even for the kissing, but for disrupting the class. There is “freedom” in my country and we have rights but many actual people still look at us with disgust. They will find ways to punish people who express themselves. Even politicians say things like “act normal, normal is already weird enough” and in some ways, they’re right. Many people act… Crazy, for lack of a better term, but it’s also used towards queer, neurodivergent, and disabled people. Art should not get people in trouble, ever! Unless it’s really, really, really bad, like someone drawing n*zis killing people in a non-historical context (because context very much matters). I was a closeted transgender pansexual at the time and it really made me feel afraid for a solid while. I was worried they would find out and seriously hurt me. Attempts were made later (and earlier but that was because I was neurodivergent, not because I was queer) but that’s not related to this story.

    All that to say, people are stupid and art shouldn’t get you into trouble. Also, I love your art! I should work on mine, honestly

    • 🎀Mother Ayana🦋OP
      3 months ago

      Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts! It’s sad to hear what you had to experience. :/ I hope that things are better for you now! And thank you for the compliment.^^