Do you remember that post?
Shortly expmlamed it’s about the fact that the workers from the school I am talked to me, because I drew a sfw couple with the title “And they are both pedos”.⁷
After that nothing happened anymore. I also do not draw any nsfw there or use those words. But last week it seemed not to be enough for them.
I do have two social workers for me and they had a talk with me again. Saying that I might should consinder talking with a therapist about my sexuality. I told them that I do not feel the need to talk about it and also asked for the reason why I should. All they told me that it would be an important topic in my age. I was like…wtf? Okay? I tried my best to explain calmly that I don’t feel the need and also had therapy around that topic in the past. But they put pressure on me.
A few days later. Today to be exact. We had a conference where one of my social workers were there, my mother, the person who managed the school and the person who helps me in general with finding jobs and stuff like that. At the and me and my mother mentioned what happened and I explained how I felt.
What do you think happened? They told me they have to put this pressure on me because they have legal worries. I told again I already had therapy and they were even wondering why I don’t have it anymore. And about the legal worries: Did they tell me which legal worries? No. They just tried to justifice the pressure they put on me. My mother also doesn’t understand what’s wrong.
The thing is:
- Like I said I do not draw nsfw there and also do not write paraphilias on my art anymore
- I never said things which could bring me in legal trouble(for example saying I want to commit a crime)
- I do not consume illigal media in school
- If I would do something illigal they should maybe…tell me directly what I did?
I feel misunderstood. Tomorrow will be another talk where I try to find out what the hell their problem is.
What do you think? Do you maybe have any advice on how to deal with that situation?
From what I’ve seen, therapists are generally advised to understand that being a MAP is a steady and stable sexual orientation that is unlike to change. They’re also advised to help us develop self-acceptance and to cope with the intense social stigma against MAPs. People don’t like to hear it, but this what happens when we follow their advice and “get help”—we actually get validation… or at least we should. There’s plenty of terrible therapists out there, after all.
More to the point, if they have a problem, tell them it’s a them problem until they can tell you why it’s a you problem (other than their outright bigotry).
I really wonder why they can’t directly tell me what’s wrong. They are social workers. They learned to deal with people who have special needs.
This is 100% a hate crime, they’re targeting you because you’re a para. The fact they didn’t mention their worries is telling. I sadly don’t have any recommendations besides be safe.
I also feel that way :/ I tru to tell myself that they just want to help me but I wonder: If they really want to help me why are they putting me under so much pressure?
I wonder what would happen if they would know how my legs and arms look like now. I wonder what would happen when they find out how much I eat in a day. Sometimes I wish I could point at them and say “You have blood on your hands”.
I’m so sorry you’re going through that. Please keep holding on. We need people like you in our world.