I’m not sure how to elaborate on this lol

  • Sasagoxian
    121 year ago
    • Likes me
    • Not a fascist
    • Will tell me they like me without me having to tell them I like them first (makes the first move essentially)
    • Exists
  • Violet Rose (she/it)
    81 year ago

    @CrimsonCorviknight@rqd2.net @map@rqd2.net A fiercely rebellious, anti-authority spirit and good understanding of and adherence to opsec. Not only are those qualities absolutely critical for reducing the risk of harm coming to the young person and oneself while such relationships are still so viciously persecuted, they’re also extremely hot in their own right! ❤️‍🔥

  • 🌠star
    51 year ago

    i look for partners who are passionate, artistic, expressive, and self-confident. i also prefer if they are easy to communicate with, which for me means open, direct, clear, and honest. lastly, im especially drawn to people who like me and give me praise and attention. ✨🥰

  • Matt Walsh
    1 year ago

    I don’t really have that many preferences since I really like kids, save for a few things that can be a major turnoff for me.

    When I was younger I studied with some kids who had behavioral issues with regards to violence and while I’d be willing to help a kid/teen in this situation I wouldn’t really want to be in a relationship with them.

    And the other thing is that I probably just wouldn’t date a kid with some major physical or mental disability. I don’t mean to be ableist and I fully believe in making the world a better place for those with disabilities, but a big disability could be a deal-breaker for me. I don’t mind if it’s something like mild forms of autism, blindness/deafness, or they were born without one arm or whatever, but if it’s a disability that has big effects on their body or ability to function without help I probably wouldn’t want to date them.

    Major positives would be if, like me, they’re introverted and have a high libido. Though I’d also be more than happy to date a kid who doesn’t fit those descriptors.

    • A Friendly Stranger
      1 year ago

      That’s reasonable. I always feel like dating is inherently very exclusionist, and that’s okay. “I don’t wanna x you because you’re a woman”, wouldn’t quite fly anywhere else (probably), but in dating, it’s fine, some people just aren’t attracted to women.

    51 year ago

    Okay again, not a MAP (I don’t think, unsure), but all the ‘younger’ people I’ve been with? My favorite part was always how they made me feel older, just simply. Helped with age dysphoria. So I guess, someone affirming and playful. Always like feminine folks best! ~ Pretty Girls ~

  • @iwakan
    41 year ago

    I want a girl who’s smart and curious and interested in learning new things. And likes hugging. And if she’s into Legos, that’s a plus.

  • arisu.exeA
    41 year ago

    Likes the same things I like (games and arts and crafts mostly, but the social things I like to do [I like music but i cant imagine a child and i doing anything music related together]), likes to learn, likes physical affection, is a little shy, probably some other stuff.

    I’d love to have a little girlfriend and have a kid with her, raise her together (probably when she gets older)

  • A Friendly Stranger
    1 year ago

    *Figuring out what the MAPs in Mindscape have in common to craft the most ideal specimen.*

    • Pretty
    • Girl or partially girl
    • 14-16
    • Sexual and platonic, no romance, no monogamy
    • Can handle herself in a group of older people and also manages to have interests in common with them
    • Somewhat alternative style
    • Definitely rebellious
    • Cheeky
    • Knows herself
    • Not shy
    • Witty
    • Could beat you up verbally, physically, or psychologically
    • Subs to you at her own will, not yours