I am compiling a list of things antis say and how to refute them. Please reply with some of said things.

  • A Friendly Stranger
    11 months ago

    Shit antis think

    • Being disgusted by something proves that it’s bad
    • Gender is different from race, age, etc. because unlike those gender is a social construct (mate think about it for like 1 second)
    • Endogenic plurality isn’t backed up by science (neither was black people feeling pain or autistic girls existing, also it is)
    • Radqueer is a cult
    • Kodocon is CSAM (trivializes actual CSAM)
    • TransID is transphobic and racist
    • Suibaiting and harassing people I think are disgusting is morally justified (just bullying)
    • Tulpamancy is racist and cultural appropriation (Buddhist tulpamancy isn’t the only variety of tulpamancy)
    • Thought crimes exist
    • You’re allowed to have autonomy as long as I agree with it (that’s not autonomy)
    • I am allowed to decide if something exists, not those who are experiencing that thing
    • Letting pedos look at drawn images of children, fantasize about children, etc. will cause them to offend (no it actually has the opposite effect)

    Can’t think of anything else atm.

    • @MappyKirino
      911 months ago

      Can confirm the drawings massively keep me from offending,despite being pro-c i still follow the law

  • cuteskink
    811 months ago

    Big list of arguments I’ve seen and some counters
    Anti Para Arguments

    “Go to therapy to fix your attraction” Counter: Not possible in most cases. Conversion therapy rhetoric. A lot of paras don’t want to get rid of their attraction. Not all paras are disordered. It can be dangerous to disclose your para to a therapist

    “You shouldn’t be proud of this” Counter: Being proud of yourself never hurts anyone. Pride is a rebellion against a society that hates you. Requiring paraphiles to hate themselves to be accepted is extremely cruel. A paraphilia is nothing to be ashamed of.

    “You should kys so you don’t hurt people” Counter: Paras are no more likely to hurt someone than non-paraphiles. Telling someone to kill themselves is never okay.

    You should be kept away from kids/animals/(insert thing you’re attracted to)" Counter: Paraphiles are capeable of self control. Just bc you’re attracted to someone doesn’t mean you’re going to hurt them, people have crushes on people who don’t like them back all the time.

    Anti Transrace Arguments

    “That’s cultural appropition” Counter: Cultural approption is when a piece of a culture is taken from its orginal context and history. Transrace people are not taking anything from its orginal context and history. The majority of transrace people are respectful in the way they learn about and practice their culture.

    “You support blackface” Counter: Blackface is something done by racists to make fun of and demonise black people. A transrace affirming their identity is not making fun of anyone.

    “You’re fetishing poc” Counter: There is a big difference between having a fetish for something and identfying as that thing. Fetishes are not inherently bad, it’s okay to have fetishes and express those fetishes. This is just the autogynophile terf argument.

    “You just have internilised racism” (usually used against POCTW people specfically) Counter: Internilised racism is a seperate thing, there is a difference between “I want to be x bc it feels most right to me” and “I want to be x bc people told me being y is wrong”. Different people deal with internilised racism in different ways, if someone wants to deal with it by identfying as transrace they should be allowed to do so.

    Running low on spoons, might be back with more later.

  • @Magsergeant66
    611 months ago

    “What if it was your kid that was being ‘preyed upon’ by maps” this is a question which may strike you because you are not yet a parent probably but I doubt it hardly matters if you feel like minors can consent already.

    “Leaving a cybertip, you probably have the real stuff” I think this one is ridiculous because it will waste the authorities time if you are gonna have them search every tom dick and harry with loli hentai and opinions especially only to find nothing when they could use that time helping child trafficking victims

    “I have the normal attraction because it’s TOTALLY legal even though you showed a chart or more showing the high stimuli is in tween and early teen range among samples of random normal men” (note I am not trying to say they don’t have a normal attraction, secondary sex characteristics we all really love and you will find that in a lot of minors and fully grown women, in this case they are appealing to authority and acting like the age of consent socially engineered to think it’s the only acceptable age and up for sex and relationships) or even they just ignore the charts.

  • Crimson Corviknight
    411 months ago

    Antis in any specific regard (e.g. anti MAPs, anti trace, anti transabled)? Or just anti radqueers in general?

    • arisu.exeOPA
      411 months ago

      Anti radqueers in general. Arguments against maps, transrace, endos, etc