Lots of politicians out there free to use too.
Lots of politicians out there free to use too.
Bloatware! Even assembly language is barely acceptable, best is directly changing the mechanical relays in your Zuse one, naturally. If you wanna get crazy, change the celluloid strip with another program & get Doom to run on it.
I can’t get that old, ever. I am 45 next year, and it’s like Oscar Wilde had said: “The tragedy of growing old is not that one is old but that one is young” and you have to show that. Starting with jiu jitsu next month. Let’s roll!
Windows is an anachronism. Since I even got my wife and her gaming PC on the light side with Garuda Linux, works like a charm. After that she wanted me to install that “cool blank desktop” I have on my work laptop on her business machine in the shop. Now she loves bspwm. Learning doesn’t make life harder per se, it’s fun.
Yep. It’s me. Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and savior, GNU/Linux?
That’s a sign that she’s clearly a slug.
“Grub cannot find MBR of Microsoft Windows” -meh, don’t care.
Linux: “Yes”
Once I recorded the wind in the trees in spring and played it back later 600 times slower. It sounded like an orgy porn. I can never walk in the woods again.
The first time a smoker would ask…
School shooters worldwide have decided, that it’s finally time to end Jake Paul.
You have a brick of shit in your mouth? Eeeew
This was the moment “groet” was born.
Uh. Uh uh uh, I got it! It’s a parable to… damn, lost it again. But I had it for a moment.
Right. That was I - batshit drunk from half a bottle of wine on my 12th birthday.
Ah, that’s Harveys boy.
Me too. Inkscape runs on my phone, too.
Yeah. Alcohol. Of course. Haha. What’s what on my nose?