Doing this as a sort of exercise in dissecting my thoughts so I can have something coherent to tell my therapist lol.

  • A Friendly Stranger
    2 years ago

    Do you have sexual fantasies? If so, do you get repulsed by them? Does your repulsion have to do with the fact that you’re not in a body you want to have sex in or do you not want to have sex at all even if you could change your body?

    (I hope these questions aren’t worded in an crude way !!)

    • TreguaOP
      2 years ago

      I have fantasies related to my autozoophilia, but they’re not strictly sexual. It’s more just imagining myself as a crocodilian/turning into one, but there’s nothing much I could really do with that that’s sexual. (As far as I’m aware, anyway.) For the second part, as I tend to say, the only way I would have sex is if I were turned into a critically endangered species and entered into a breeding program. Would I still be repulsed? Probably. But at least I’d be doing something good for the planet. An extra tidbit is that my sex-repulsion mostly comes from the fact that I’m caracal-kin, and if you’re a biology nerd like I am you know that felines have barbed penises and the screams female cats make are of pain, not pleasure. I have this semi-delusion that human penises are the same way, so every time I think about sex it’s associated with the thought of severe pain.