I’m Oaks (though I go by many other names too), I’ve never been fully open in my intros before, and I haven’t made many in general, so I’m a little nervous. Also, I’m not natively English so please forgive any mistakes. If something is unclear, please feel free to ask for clarification.

I’m a chrono 22 year old pankin (meaning I pretty much identify as everything in some way, shape, or form) system host (traumagenic), the others probably won’t use this account. I’m pretty much trans in every way there is. Transgender (masc-leaning xenic non-binary), transspecies (pankin, as said), transage (agefluid from around 5 to 45), transabled (I should be blind and feel like my autism should be less severe), trace (transIndonesian (mainly cuz I feel like I should be more Indonesian, my grandpa was, but I’m mainly European)), and so on. I use he/they/it pronouns and pretty much all neopronouns. I am paraphilic ((ficto)zoo, AAM/AAP, maybe MAP? I’m pretty kinky and enjoy roleplaying. Probably more, but I’m kinda new to this all) though generally asexual for humans (though that can flux, in which case I’m generally pan (though it can be something else at times)) and pandemiromantic and have a partner who’s 31, we’ve been together for about 7 years, but I’m poly so honestly open to anything. No, I don’t mean that as an invitation. I’m autistic and have ADHD. I have (c-)PTSD, and have depression, anxiety, and DP/DR because of it. As well as being a system, as I mentioned before. Yes, you can ask me about my trauma, I won’t go into it right now though. I’m an artist and a writer and am currently working on a book with an AAM girl as the main character. Feel free to ask me about it. I think that’s about it… Feel free to ask anything and sorry for it being messy.

  • Oaks
  • OaksOP
    4 months ago

    Heya, Amy! Nice to meet you too! You seem really nice! My book takes place in a fantasy world. The main plot is about her finding out she’s a werewolf in a world where that’s practically illegal. Her family gives her trouble so she moves into the Moonlight Cafe, a place for werewolves to come together in relative safety (think something like this forum but for her it’s IRL). She’s 16 years old and falls in love with the main bartender, who falls in love with her too. He’s 25 years old. I would love to let you read it! Feel free to shoot me a message or something, maybe we can be friends! You seem awesome to hang out with!