Apparently, the new Huggies commercial is too hot, and the antis are now angry because some MAPs might get sexually aroused by it. Look for yourself and tell me if it “sexualizes children” and “puts babies in compromising positions”.

Now, if this commercial DOES make you sexually aroused, more power to you. Just know that we’re moving into such a puritanical and sex negative direction that even playful DIAPER commercials are being targeted in fear that a MAP might find it arousing.

I used to be more hopeful about MAP acceptance being a possibility within my lifetime…

  • Lara Croft (Real)
    8 months ago

    Does the audio make it “worse” in some way? cause I just watched it without audio and just dont get at all why it could look “compromising” :P

    And dont worryyy!! Dont see a bunch of comments in youtube as a reflection of how society will stay for the next several decades, most comments on that whole site are so nonsensical anyway :P I honestly feel like every year that passes people are more accepting to more things and even tho being yourself can be scary sometimes I bet one day you’ll remember how stupid the past was and how happy you are that things got better <3

    And maybe it will give u some hope to know that my parents r fine with my bf being much older than me! (Im a minor) after a lot of consideration and meeting him and having some conversations with both of us but I trust them and they trust me so eventually they learned to trust him too <3 I bet most people dont have the same luck but also I bet if my parents are so cool there’s got to be thousands of other cool parents :3

  • Malt Marzipan
    8 months ago

    “Kids shouldn’t play Pokemon because it could inspire gambling” if antis had tumblr in 1999

  • Lara Croft (Real)
    8 months ago

    btw isnt it kinda “sus” that they pay so much attention to babies being sexualized? I mean, if u like it dont complain about it X3