heyo, so I’ve been having trouble being around the lils since I figured out i was a MAP, the unfortunate part is that I have to be around them quite often, including in my own home and it’s quickly become a struggle- any tips to manage? sorry if not giving enough info, don’t want to share too too much

  • @iwakan
    22 months ago

    You mentioned feeling guilty before, so I’m guessing you’re still struggling with self-acceptance? I think working on that is the most important thing. Self-control is easier when you’re comfortable with who you are and what you do. Trying to suppress or avoid thoughts and feelings just makes them more insistent.

    But in the short term, maybe it’d be helpful to think of it like this. You wouldn’t do anything inappropriate when there are adults watching, right? Ten, twenty years on, those kids will remember. Even if there aren’t adults around in the present, they’re always watching from the future.

  • Lara Croft (Real)
    2 months ago

    Hmmm masturbation? :3 I can assure u there’s lots of horny teens in the internet looking for sexting with adults in those “talk to strangers” sites X3 and there’s always porn to be found somewhere! :3

    • @czarnumba2OP
      22 months ago

      should probably have mentioned in my post but I’m a teen as well :p

      • Lara Croft (Real)
        2 months ago

        oh X3 then maybe u struggle a lot cause ur teen hormones are going crazy? hopefuly it will get better if thats it :3

  • leaf ^-^
    114 days ago

    what do u have trouble with specifically? like all the time or is there specific things that trigger it? for me, bath time is hard but nudity doesnt set me off at all, everyones different. find ur triggers and see what u can do to mitigate like iwakan said, self acceptance is key. it becomes less of such an urgent feeling and more of a “gods thats so cute/hot, hmm whats for dinner” stim! even if u dont usually. wiggle around. at the start when i struggled alot i would literally train myself to automatically like jump backwards or start dancing because my ocd would convince me that i would just start touching them or something. it genuinely helped go to the bathroom and masturbate! staying busy ofc managing urges and managing “talking yourself out of it” are two different things and if u need tips for the second i can try to help with that too