Whenever I’m out in public and kids are around I can’t help but check them out and gauge how pretty I think they are. I don’t really do the same to adults even though I’m also attracted to them, maybe because I don’t find them quite as hot as kids. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post I don’t think being a MAP is bad, but I can’t help but feel a bit guilty about this habit of mine 😅

I’ve seen some MAPs say that while they find kids sexy they aren’t really romantically attracted to them, but that’s not the case for me. I love how kids are playful, spontaneous, happy and full of love to give, and I would like to have a kid of my own to nurture and love them.

But I’m only human… and I can’t help but also find them hot as hell :P

  • 🌠star
    181 year ago

    looking at people you find attractive and thinking that they are attractive is not “objectification” and there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s normal and harmless, you shouldn’t feel guilty over it. 💛😇

  • @iwakan
    51 year ago

    Eh, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with looking. It’s not hurting anyone.

  • A Friendly Stranger
    41 year ago

    No not really, I try not to look at them cuz paranoia. 😅

    But if it’s like in a media and I find them aesthetically attractive, then yes. By media I mean like a movie or a drawing.

  • arisu.exeA
    41 year ago

    I think it’s a fair thing to feel conflicted about, but I wouldn’t call it objectification if you’re not like the pawooners that hornypost all day about kids

  • Vogel100
    31 year ago

    @MattWalsh @map This is not the case for everyone, but I believe love and sexual attraction are usually linked. I consider it just another way that love expresses itself, and nothing to feel guilty about. I’m attracted to kids in all ways as well, not just sexually, and just because society considers one of the ways of liking kids not acceptable, doesn’t mean there’s actually something wrong with it.

    Also other men do this with adults as well, there’s no reason why it suddenly wouldn’t be ok when it’s with kids. Neither is hurting anyone.