We age regress, and we like checking in with the age regression community, but there’s a lot of sex negativity which is disappointing. People are very quick to judge age players and people who are sexual while regressed, as if kids cannot be sexual. I was a sexual kid. I was sexual before I knew what sex was. I was sexual in spite of the doctrines imposed on me. Porn and erotica of my favorite cartoon characters were a source of freedom and joy during my grim childhood. There is no wrong way to be a child, and I knew that more back then than most people do. Also, being sexual doesn’t = sex with adults. Not everything is about adults. I literally just want to masturbate alone in my room.

  • shiro
    1 year ago

    this is the reason why i left the plural community as a whole recently… there is quite literally no good reason to say things like ‘ageplaying is fine but being sexual in a little mindset is bad’. i was very sexual as a kid and that should be respected regardless of what happened to me (or anyone else) those things meant a lot to me and they still do…