If you like the Wikipedia rabbit hole, check out the Wiki game on your given app store. The basic idea is that you have two separate topics, and you have try to link to the second from the first in as few clicks and time as possible. It’s actually quite fun and you end up reading about some really random stuff.
RIP John Dunsworth. You were the liquor.
And always will be
In high school I used to sit there reading article after article on Wikipedia about space and physics. By the end of the night I would have like 40 tabs open on my computer trying to learn everything about space.
When the tabs start to pile up so much they lose their labels.
I don’t need sleep. I need to learn about fingernail anatomy and the tendons in the bottoms of our feet
See also tvtropes.org
I will not see tvtropes.org! I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon!
There’s a reason I didn’t type it with the markdown for clickable link when I typed it.
I’m extremely prone to this. On several occasions, I’ve looked up a word using kindles built in library, then see an interesting related word, then I see an unfamiliar word on the same page, then there’s a link about pronunciation, before, finally, I think to myself “Motherfucker, have you been reading the dictionary for an hour?”
Username checks out
Me after being on Walking Dead wiki for 6 hours even though I don’t even watch that show.
I donated for the very first time last month. I couldn’t feel prouder of myself