A MUD were somebody obsessively mirrors those around them.

Mirroring is the act of simulating the behavior of those around you, it is a normal behavior that occcurs in most people. MMrD occurs when mirroring is done consantly, often subconsiosly/untetionally. Symptoms include:

  • Copying speech and behavior patterns
  • Echolalia (repeating the speech of others)
  • Fluid identity that changes to match those around the indvidual
  • Basing their entire identity off of others
  • Hyperempathy
  • Rapidly changing opinions to match those around them
  • Expriences psychosomatic symptoms of the illnesses of those around them
  • Has trouble seeing the differences between people
  • A phenemenom called blending were one mixes up the details of 2 or more people, e.g thinking friend A has brown hair, likes cake and hates chocolate but those are actually traits of friend B. Blending can range in severity and can sometimes cause the individual to percieve 2(or more) different people as the same person.
  • Distress at being called “unique”,“different”, “special” or simlar.
  • Dislike of personal identifiers for themself like names and pronouns.
  • Dysphoria around traits they have that others around them don’t.
  • A Friendly Stranger
    2 years ago

    This is interesting, some of these symptoms are kind of relatable, despite me not having this MUD. On the other hand, anything I haven’t listed I can’t relate to at all.

    • I have categorized 2 or more completely different people as ‘the same person’.
    • I am mildly distressed with being personalized too much, i.e. constantly being referred to by one name, acknowledged too much as existing, etc.
    • I have copied speech and behavorial patterns that I liked from others.
    • Some mild echolalia acts up sometimes because of my autism.
    • I have a weird mix of hyperempathy and lack of empathy, in the sense that I both feel and don’t feel it. Like for example, I always start crying when others cry, but I don’t actually feel sad. It’s like it just becomes me, but it’s also empty.