This one goes out to my pals who’s orientation is affected by fiction: Tell me all about it! Are you fictionkin (transcharacter, DA, or IRL) with a preference for source-mates? Do you experience attraction similarly with physical others/things as you would with fiction, or is there a big difference. Did you figure out your orientation through fiction or other works of media? What about roleplays, how have those affected how you understand your relationships and orientation?!

Tell me all the things about it!!! I’d love to hear. 💗 💗 💗

  • ZIM vt/it/vx/ve/heB
    21 year ago

    ve don’t have the energy to reply much to this, but ve are ficto para for multiple of r paras, there is a diff for ones but not all of them. ve r fictomap and would say like 90% of it is fictomap, maybe 10% irl map, or less, ve don’t really know. We r basically fully ficto for r paras that are inherently nonconsensual, like fictobiastophile, the only way we’d like it nonfictionally is consensual non consent, but to sus that feels different than actual non con, so ve r pretty sure ve r fully fictobiastophile. but others like zoophilia we r both ficto and irl zoo, and don’t view a difference in it besides for fictional characters that are animals that are sapient. some aren’t possible irl, unless ve include alterhumans but it’s not the same sense ppl still r stuck in human bodies, is Teratophilia and exophilia.