Painfully awkward as it might be I can maybe respect the idea of discussion with the child, but why the fuck did she make everyone else party to it? She could have kept it between you and her or maybe the another significant parental figure. Like, was this discussion had in with and in front of your siblings? Fucking mortifying.
Hate this bullshit so much.
Happily avoid Instagram like the plague. Initially because I was confused what the point of it was since there was already facebook, which already had images, and you could already email images to people as well so I thought it just seemed superfluous and then as I gradually came to avoid Facebook for it’s many evils, the stink from Instagram became really pungent by the time it was bought by and eventually came to supplant Facebook.
I’m going to say I don’t disagree, so much as I don’t understand. What is the connection exactly?
EDIT: Actually. I think I get it.
Geez you’re game, you want to go running the morning after? I think if I tried that they’d eventually find my body by following the vomit trail.
Why do steering wheel locks seem so much less popular now? Same with the reflectors. Nothing’s changed about the best way to keep the car cool while you’re not in it but I almost never see them anymore and I’m in Australia of all places. Those things and to a lesser extent the steering wheel locks were everywhere in the 90s.
Nah that’s for amateurs what you really need is an elite team who can type very fast and if you’re enterprise is really worth it’s salt it’ll have a few of these guys and that way you can have 2 or if they’re really good 3 to a keyboard at a time. With their combined speed they’ll have setup a Visual Basic GUI and hacked your cyberattacker’s IP in no time. With the attack stopped in a minute at most they’ll have surveillance camera tape footage available for enhancement and from that the basement dweller’s abode by lunchtime. The constabulary will be knocking down their door so fast they’ll never smash their monitor in time to get rid of the evidence.
Is that a thing or are you doing a bit?