I’m cis-synesthetic myself, but I’m curious if there are other synesthetes here! (trans or cis)

  • A Friendly StrangerOPM
    1 year ago

    Awesome!! Trans-pansynesthesia is very rad.

    • Person(ality)-Smell is a known type!
    • The second and third ones are commonly referred to as manifestations of Hyperphantasia, but personally I believe they could be a type of Mirror Synesthesia. I can smell/taste/feel/hear/(see) things by looking/thinking about them as well!
    • Emotion-Colour is a known type!
    • Ooh this might be multiple types. Chromethesia and Auditory-Visual are known types. People are of course being gate-keepy about Music-Emotion as a Syn Type because ‘everyone feels emotional from music’. Anyway, screw that, Music-Emotion should an can totally be a Syn Type.
    • Yes, it is sometimes categorized as one, and it makes sense. I either have misophonia and/or just autistic auditory sensitivity/overstimulation, either way I feel your pain 🤝.