Thanks for giving us a great first day of launch! In 24 hours, we tallied… 42 users… 27 communities… 66 posts… And 82 comments! That’s a total of 217 things! And it was all a combined effort! Thanks again, it’s been a great 24 hours. Glad to see everyone having fun. I think this place could become very important. I’m excited for what the future holds. To think, I went from a Discord mod to a website owner… haha. It’s been a wild ride, and it’s only the beginning. Thanks for being with me.

  • Hematite
    2 years ago

    Discord moderator moment. But more seriously, woo! I’m glad that the launch has been a success. I like hanging out here so far. I even got the folks on /c/ to fight over the meme I posted and spread pro-trash propaganda.