This is a great starting point for learning more about being autistic.

You may learn some lesser known aspects of autistic people, like how we can process from two vantage points as once, whereas allistic people tend to process from one.

This allows me greater ease and/or scope in doing some things, like:

  • in solo TTRPing, acting as the player and the GM
  • being curious about a new idea despite defensiveness and/or skepticism (good example is wanting to learn more about the radqueer community despite being conditioned to disregard it)
  • consciously recognizing my hypocrisy or internal contradictions, and being able to do so comfortably (as long as I recognize that hypocrisy isn’t bad)
  • approaching ideas with nuance, or from two modes, like regarding the physical and metaphysical at the same time, without one being “under” the other
  • appreciating anything “meta” in storytelling, double meanings, art with multiple “layers”
  • practicing “psychonautics” and related things, like tripping, introspection, and plural system communication
  • adopting and understanding “contradictory” identities

A good reason to use a resource like Embrace Autism over something like the DSM is because you can learn more about how autism is experienced rather than how it is perceived by allistic people.

For example autistics are oft categorized as “black/white thinkers” which to some extent is the projection of allistics who don’t understand autistic nuance. They see us be passionate/extreme about things because of our strong feelings and care and assume it’s the result of allistic-style thinking turned up to 11 (reference).