I want to make quadrobics and therian related videos since I love my new mask!

But I am a bit concerned about my online savety. Do you have any tips and ideas?

My ideas I have so far are:

  • Not showing my location
  • Always wearing the mask(it covers my whole face)
  • No voice
  • I don’t wear anything that could lead others back to my identity(for example costumised pins or shirts)

I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas! <3

  • 🎀Mother Ayana🦋OP
    5 months ago

    Do you think a wall as a Background would be also I good idea? I don’t have a green screen.

    • Lara Croft (Real)
      5 months ago

      I think there’s apps that let you change the background in a video as if you had a green screen and they work specially well if the wall is just one plain color but yeah if you have a boring wall like that it should be good enough

      the cool thing about a custom background is you can have a fun background for the videos! :3