Wrapper Offline is based on an older website called Goanimate. It lets you make your own animated videos using the program’s preset moves and facial expressions. You can make characters that will be brought to life automatically. Add camera movements, music, sound effects, etc. You’re put right in the “director’s chair”

It has a variety of design themes with their own backgrounds, props, characters (ex: Comedy World, Stick Figure, Lil Peeps, Anime)

Something like this could be the missing link in our goals to change society. We have memes, infographics, some videos, some studies, “positive memories” stories and more

But… we don’t have the benefit of actors or experienced traditional animators to take things to the next level. Wrapper opens that door so wide for us ♥️. I made these little animations to give you guys a look into what this program can do:

  1. Map relevant https://fstube.net/w/eSTJR5zzrkKEnkjkGjDPYM
  2. Random/ just fun https://fstube.net/w/tPWLBjXC4BJdTLT2W354Vt (Detailed information in the descriptions and comments) (And anyone’s free to reuse any character designs)

If people start using this while it’s not very known, we’ll be steps ahead of antis who may find it later.

Wrapper Offline can become a Para program 😏😸

  • 🎀Mother Ayana🦋
    19 days ago

    Thank you for sharing this! I might just use it for my weird(often para related?) story times. :3