yet another time crying over knowing everybody wants zim dead. that zims reminded of it nearly every single day. knowing they genuinely mean it, that some of them literally want to torture zim and cause the most suffering. just because of zims beliefs and identities it’s soul crushing (and zim doesn’t even have a soul). any fucking person zim interacts with could be one of these people, and have been. and zim has absolute zero belief things will ever actually change in zims lifetime. It hurts so much. can’t be safe anywhere without hiding things. if zim ever has relationships without purposely seeking out other radqueers zim will have to keep it secret, especially if they know anything personal about zim or if they are somebody zim knows irl. it could literally get zim killed. or prison. just cause zims a pedo zoo altid person who is pro c (more complex leaning). or for even lesser reasons like just being proship. it’s already hard being a queer bodymind disabled fat nonhuman person. also most of those ppl who share zims identity also want zim dead. even in this community theres ppl who want zim dead for being pro c. zim hates this world.