• malloc@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Lockdowns provided short term relief for reducing GHG but later bounced back to pre-COVID levels [1]

    [1] https://climate.nasa.gov/news/3129/emission-reductions-from-pandemic-had-unexpected-effects-on-atmosphere/

    Long term we need to improve the efficiency at the source (power generation) and get rid of O&G dependency. In addition, transform cities to become less car dependent (the microplastics from ICE/EV based cars tire wear is not good) Also Western diets have to change (reduced meat consumption).

    I do like the idea of keeping WFH as an option though. The mandatory RTO sentiment of C-level executives is annoying to say the least and data is not backing up their reasoning. Keep an office for the people that prefer it and reduce the office footprint. Gather data over time and let teams and team leaders decide.