Hello ^^ i am Max, They/Them

A fake name. I am known on the TransID.org Discord on a different Name. I am not telling it bc i wanna keep it sperated… due all the hate…

Im Aeroage, Florenflux and Racefluix. All 3 change together, so basically 16, Japanese, Demigirl to 23, German, Paraman or 17, Mixed Enby etc.

Also Disabledfluix: Caneian, Crutchian and Wheelchairqoir. Maybe Transschizophrinia and maybe Transtime, Ecopunk/Biopunk Live <3

I am Fictosexual, Reciprosexual and Abrosexual. Plus Aromantic 🧡💛🤍🩵💙 Teen Lover :3 non-exclusive. Necro 🩶🤍 Biast (Anti-Contact/Pro-Play)❤️🖤 & Consang 🌺 Questioning AAM (due being Agefluid) also other paras… forgot their Names tho- Idk if its ok to add Contact-Stances to the other ones.

Is there a way i can mute some communities ? No hate, just not interested.

I love Philosophy, Psychology, Medicine, Science, Religion, Culture, History etc ! Trying to become a trauma Surgeon, gonna be fun >:3

Happy to be here ^^ Comment: Welcome :}