hello! i’m theo sundry, a transnative, paralegyam, cisnpd & stoneheart trans creature :] we are transillusionisms on tumblr, zooqueerplatonic, and transmap. we have chickens, love wasps, play hardcore minecraft, and are an otherkin wirehaired viszla dog.

our birthday is november 26 :] anyone else some of these? say hi (bonus points if you talk abt chickens or wasps i love those guys)

  • A Friendly Stranger
    311 months ago

    Welcome! Wasps r cute. What does stoneheart mean?

    I’m sort of transnative, but in a I feel as though I may have been native in one of my past lives way, Hopi I think. I don’t remember anything of it, this would’ve been a life from like the 1500s. The reason I feel this way though is because when I was a kid I heard a busker play native music, and it deeply captivated me for no logical reason, like I felt at home. I do not know what tribe it was from, the guardian I was with got annoyed that I liked it and dragged me away. Also thinking about the brutal colonialization of native tribes evokes a sadness that goes much deeper than the sadness I feel about other tragedies like the Holocaust and the current genocide in Palestine. I could keep jabbering on about this but I’ll conclude.