TransAiWScripted is a TransRAMCOA term for feeling like you should have the “Alice in Wonderland” Script.

Alice in Wonderland Script: This script is typically split into three sections; Black Alice, White Alice, and Insane Alice. A system scripted with all three is ideal. White Alice makes the system forget the trauma, Black Alice makes the system feel as if they are a danger if they remember the trauma, and Insane Alice forces the system to believe they’re making it up or going insane, should they ever remember it.

  • Malt Marzipan
    35 months ago

    💗Woah… Our system is kinda like this in regards to our biggest trauma x.x I’m the White Alice, Oniichan is black and Daddy is Insane…

    • Yui KomoriOP
      35 months ago

      I’m the same!! I don’t exactly know who’s black, white, or insane tho… There’s so many of us. But I’m glad this resonates with you!!