I recently made a vocabulary change that I’m quite pleased with.

I realized awhile ago that the Nexus is primarily catharigenic, spontaneous formation. So verbs like ‘making’ and ‘creating’ don’t seem like accurate verbs to describe how my Nexus comes to be, yet a better verb eluded me until now.

Maybe it sounds a bit odd or clunky, but I’ve decided on the verb ‘gaining’. I gain Nexus members through spontanous formation. One moment they don’t exist, the next they’re there. The most influence I can personally have is through honing in on a particular feature or aesthetic to trigger a formation.

One reason that made it hard for me to figure out the process is because sometimes the formation is not instantaneous, it’ll take awhile, like a sort of limbo state. In this state I can sort of push and pull with the Nexus member about what they got going on. But ultimately at best I’m influencing them on their own decisions. I’m still not at any point directly capable of making clear cut decisions about them, they’re autonomous. Even when I deliberality seek out a new member of a particular feature or aesthetic, at that point no one exists yet. I’m simply calling out to an essence which fits this description.

  • A Friendly StrangerOP
    210 months ago

    Interesting. I’m more or less front stuck and don’t experience dissociation from a new formation. They arrive and remain in Mindscape. Though, it’d be like they’ve always been there.