The other day I passed as a minor. idk what age, but i’m assuming 17 or so. (the bus driver asked me if i was youth, assuming that i was)

i figure i passed since i look fairly young, albeit still adult, but an interesting thought crossed my mind:

so i’m transfem. AMAB but taking hormone replacement therapy

i have been cursed with small breasts that appear flat behind thick clothing, but other than that i generally pass as female and get correctly gendered the vast majority of the time

is it possible that i passed as a minor due to appearing female but having small breasts? i know minors in the upper age range still have large breasts (for tanner stage IV of puberty) but i think it’s possible that seeing someone female with small breasts “tricked” them into thinking i was younger than i actually was


  • lucas / shen !
    31 year ago

    honestly that’s probably the case ! - speaking from personal experience even while being younger i still had a strong chest and people could often assume i’m older because of that so it doesn’t seem that unlikely imo :)