i’m not transpecies. i’ve questioned being otherkin and therian before. i’ve settled on “not exactly human as a word” if that makes any sense. i’ve also considered being otherhearted or similar non-direct identities

i questioned whether or not i had vampire bat as a theriotype or vampire as a kintype, for various reasons such as the following:

the desire to be nocturnal (i id as transnocturnal)

the desire to be sanguinarian (i like how blood tastes [probably because i’m probably anemic {i also crunch ice and stuff}])

the desire to have fangs (i id as transfang)

i think there were some more, i thought having these things were a reason to be transpecies, but when i called myself therian and otherkin for a month it felt a bit weird, and at that point i stopped doing it, and it turned out to be a phase.

i still desire those things, i just don’t think i’m transpecies anymore, even if the transids i mentioned above would fit a vampire bat kintype.

i suppose in a way i feel like i should be otherkin, even if i’ve learned that i’m not (i questioned some other kintypes as well, such as deathangelkin from A Quiet Place), so i’m kind of using the transtherian and transotherkin labels, but not prominently like how i introduce myself as being transgender/transrace/questioning transage/questioning transabled

i’m pretty sure i’m transabled and might be transage, but i’m not sure if it’ll end like my alterhuman phase did

and now i’m just rambling lol

> exit |

  • A Friendly Stranger
    1 year ago

    Interesting. I’m a little vampire-coded.

    • Nocturnal
    • Avoids sunlight
    • Won’t enter private spaces unless invited
    • Born with fangs but they were forcefully corrected and later one of them broke off cause I was being a klutz anyway
    • Enjoys the taste of my own blood
    • Hypersensitive senses
    • Probably more, but I forgor