Hey everyone! Just wanted to let y’all know about some of my goals with the site. Things I wanna get done by the end of September. Let me know if these sound interesting at all, cuz if not I won’t bother with them.

  • Matrix homeserver and chatroom
  • Movie nights (and/or other media like Game Nights)
  • Minecraft server
  • (Less frivolous stuff like configuring some files.)
  • panda
    2 years ago

    A Minecraft server sounds fun! :D

    A while ago I set up a Matrix homeserver for myself just to play around with decentralized things like this, and had some crazy difficulties trying to get it off the ground. I found the only guide that helped was in German, but I ran it through DeepL (sorry Linguists…) and it is THE most thorough guide out there! Apologies if this is overly presumptive, but if you ever need a hand with it I can send you the original link as well as the translated doc if you need it (it’s important to know what the commands are doing in this case since it is so finnicky). But if you already have it all in hand, then 🙏 Ignore me, and thank you so much for getting all this going! 🌱 I can’t overstate how happy I am to see this community get it’s own social space beyond Tumblr/Discord shadowbanning termination hell.