I’m not sure how to elaborate on this lol

  • Matt Walsh
    1 year ago

    I don’t really have that many preferences since I really like kids, save for a few things that can be a major turnoff for me.

    When I was younger I studied with some kids who had behavioral issues with regards to violence and while I’d be willing to help a kid/teen in this situation I wouldn’t really want to be in a relationship with them.

    And the other thing is that I probably just wouldn’t date a kid with some major physical or mental disability. I don’t mean to be ableist and I fully believe in making the world a better place for those with disabilities, but a big disability could be a deal-breaker for me. I don’t mind if it’s something like mild forms of autism, blindness/deafness, or they were born without one arm or whatever, but if it’s a disability that has big effects on their body or ability to function without help I probably wouldn’t want to date them.

    Major positives would be if, like me, they’re introverted and have a high libido. Though I’d also be more than happy to date a kid who doesn’t fit those descriptors.

    • A Friendly Stranger
      1 year ago

      That’s reasonable. I always feel like dating is inherently very exclusionist, and that’s okay. “I don’t wanna x you because you’re a woman”, wouldn’t quite fly anywhere else (probably), but in dating, it’s fine, some people just aren’t attracted to women.