hello fellow queers and child lovers!

my name is remedy. yes, it’s spelled with a lowercase initial r, because there’s nothing proper about this noun, but i won’t complain if u get it wrong. u can also feel free to shorten it; common nicknames i go by are rem, remy, remi, remmy, and remrem. i am a mushroom and a zombie and a femboy and a kitty, meow. you might kno me already, or maybe you’ve heard of me, i used to be pretty active on the pediverse and then i took a long, cold, dark sleep in a dank hole in the ground for about a year. feel free to hit me up whether u kno me or not, even if we used to be on bad terms. it isn’t my place to judge anyone, and i am always ready to forgive and move forward.

as mentioned above i am queer. idk what “radqueer” means, but i am a child lover, aka pansexual “pedophile”. i do not consider myself a “MAP” either but, again, no complaints from me if u call me one. i am attracted to prepubescent bodies of any gender presentation. i’ve never liked or used contact stances, so don’t ask a me about them. never could make enough sense of them tbh, always seemed too ambiguous to be useful. i’m transgender and transage, my pronouns are he/it and i am 8 years old. do not ask me about my chrono age, i will not give it to you. i am not a legal minor. i am a kid, not an adult, and thus i am a KBDL (kid baby/diaper lover) which just means i like to wear diapers and act like a baby, both for comfort and sexual reasons. im also a necrophile, a “biastophile”, and an “erotophonophile”.

i’m very autistic. i am probably also some combination of undiagnosed cluster b shenanigans—i have narcissistic and sociopathic traits. altogether this means that i have trouble reading and using tone, tend to take things too literally and not understand jokes or metaphors, and i don’t experience empathy, guilt, or shame. also i think very highly of myself. the best way u can accommodate me is to use tone tags when you aren’t being literal or sincere, understand that i am always being literal and sincere unless i say otherwise, and try not to get upset when i have trouble understanding something, get confused, or ask too many questions.

i am unapologetically weird, cringe, and problematic. i am made perfect in the image of god and i refuse to be ashamed of how i was born.